Sunday, 23 November 2008

Coppice Diary - Autumn 2008

If you visit Hatfield Forest you will almost certainly see areas of woodland which have been managed by coppicing. This way of managing woodland has gone on for thousands of years. Today, it is practised to encourage biodiversity, the act of rotational coppicing ensures that the woodland is always at different states of regeneration which encourages a wide range of different habitats. What evidence can be seen through the year of biodiversity in the coppice? This is what the woodland looks like before coppicing. And the huge increase in biodiversity that results after coppicing. At the beginning of October the National Trust Coppicing Volunteers began work in their area of the forest known as Collins Coppice. Coppicers are not only felling trees but also building 'stockades' around the stumps to protect them against deer browsing. The felled timber is a sustainable source of firewood. At this time of year the leaves are still mostly on the trees and it is a good opportunity to check the regeneration from the stumps cut last season. This Field Maple followed by one years regeneration on a stump of this same species. We expect there to be in excess of 2m growth on Hazel in particular in the first season. This ia an Ash tree which should have been re-coppiced many years ago, if not coppiced it will die, coppicing extends its life indefinitely. Coppicing also gives seeds like these young Oaks a chance germinate.Here are two examples of coppice plants, firstly the twisted stem of the Honeysuckle. And secondly, Beefsteak fungus on an Oak. There is evidence of Badgers and Foxes by their dung pits and scats respectively.

Monday, 10 November 2008

BSNHS Winter Programme 2008- 2009


An illustrated talk by M. W Hanson.

An illustrated talk by Mary Smith

A talk by John Llewellyn Jones

FRIDAY 7th NOVEMBER (to be confirmed)
A talk by Dr. Wreghitt.

A Powerpoint Presentation by David Hooten of the Deer Initiative.

Members’ Slides and Social Evening

An illustrated talk by Bob Reed, Society Chairman

An illustrated talk by Sylvia and Roger Jiggins

An illustrated talk by Andy Froud and Keith French

TALES PLANTS TELL - a look at some interesting plants from around the world.
A talk by Tony Boniface

A Powerpoint presentation by Peter Harvey

Annual General Meeting and Social Evening

Sawbridgeworth Marsh Nov 2008.

The winter activities on the marsh are now well underway. The peatbank and a couple of plots in the grazing enclosures were cut and cleared during September, the paths recut for the final time this year and the drains lining the boardwalk “brinked” (vegetation bordering the drains cut).
Most of the management tasks on the marsh take place during the winter months, October through to March. One of these is to pollard some of the Crack Willows. The reserve has a large number of these. In order to prevent the branches becoming too long and heavy, with the result that the stock of the tree splits and falls over in strong winds, groups of these willows are recut every five years. By cutting some, but not all, in any 1 year, willows can be seen at various stages of regrowth around the marsh.

Sawbridgeworth Marsh Diary - Autumn Update – 2nd November 2008
Pollarding entails cutting the tree at a height above the ground. Originally, pollarding was carried out in areas where stock were also grazed and cutting at height prevented the animals from browsing the new regrowth. It is, however, difficult and hazardous work and pollarding of most tree species ceased in the early 19th Century. Crack Willows are the notable exception to this and may still commonly be found alongside rivers and fen drains. Three bollings, as the cut trunks are known, were pollarded alongside the backwater over the last couple of weekends. The harvested poles will be used to repair some of the footpaths in the centre of the reserve. By cutting them into short sections and burying them into the peat, the heavily poached paths stabilise and eventually grass grows over the top, hiding the willow poles from view.
New pollards may also be easily started by pushing the poles into the wet ground, where they strike readily. This has been done in Little Valet Homes, where lines of old Crack Willow pollards line a network of old drainage ditches – one of the special landscape features of the reserve. New pollards have been started in the gaps created by the decay and death of a few of the older trees.
A new pond was dug on Little Valet Homes meadow in August. This small meadow was botanically poor, the result of enrichment caused by the dumping of river dredgings in the 1960s. The sward was dominated by rank grasses, Dock, Nettle and Cow Parsley, despite much management effort over the years. A new wet meadow has been created in the next field, Great Valet Homes, on ground that is not enriched and it is hoped that species such as Lady’s Smock, Southern Marsh Orchid and Ragged Robin will eventually colonise this area.

Andrew Sapsford, Marsh Warden.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Barbastelles and Glow Worms.

On the evening of the 27th June a group of BSNHS members visited the forest to try and locate the rare Barbastelle Bat. We were lucky to make recordings of what I believe is this bat in Spittlemore Coppice. The call is described as ‘ castanet-like smacks at 32kHz’ . We were also very lucky to see Glow Worms in this the same woodland. The following night we could only locate one of the five we had seen the previous evening. Close examination of the photographs showed that it is a mating pair. The female is the glowing one and she stops glowing after mating. Presumably, the males had been busy the previous evening!

Barbastelle Bat.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Marsh Diary - June. Andy Sapsford, Warden.

As Spring turns slowly to early Summer, so the swathes of Cowslips, Cuckoo Flower and Marsh Marigold that typify the peatbank in April give way to a lush green carpet of Blunt-flowered Rush and smaller, grey-green sedges, such as Carnation Sedge, interspersed with swathes of Southern Marsh Orchid, Ragged Robin and Hay Rattle, for which the reserve is well known.

The peatbank consists of a 5 – 6 feet deep layer of waterlogged peat over gravel and clay. There are a number of springs emanating out of the lower slopes and flushing out into the sedgebeds, helping to maintain their wetness. At some time in the past, attempts were made to drain the peatbank for grazing by digging ditches in line with these springs. The ditches fed into a main drain at the foot of the peatbank and water was carried from this ditch away to the river. Although silted up, the ditches are still very evident, especially in winter. The main drain, being level with the sedgebed, has completely silted up. However, plants such as Yellow Flag Iris, also in flower this month, grow in this more permanently waterlogged environment and plainly mark out the position of the old ditch.

The peatbank is the most botanically rich area of the reserve with a species density of over 50 species per square yard! The presence of this diversity was the main reason that the land was purchased as a nature reserve in 1970 and why it has S.S.S.I status. It is important however, to continually monitor the species composition on the peatbank, both to assess the effectiveness of the management regime and to track any changes due to outside factors, such as pollution or eutrophication by fertilisers. This is carried out at this time of the year, using a technique known as “Rapid Assessment”. The method was developed by Andy may of the Essex Wildlife Trust and allows the warden to monitor the site on a regular basis with minimal effort.
Due to the recent poor weather, butterflies, damselflies and other insects have been thin on the ground lately. With the advent of some warm sunshine at last this morning, however, things are beginning to improve. Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and Small White butterflies and Banded Agrion damselflies were seen on the wing in Little Valet Homes while scything. There have also been good numbers of Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat this year. A single Willow Warbler was heard calling from the hedge bordering Round Moors. This is the first one I have heard this year on the marsh.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Saturday, 31 May 2008

Hatfield Forest Bats.

On the evening of the 17th May eight members of the BSNHS joined with the Essex, Herts and Middx Bat Groups to survey the southern end of the forest. It was a most unprepossessing evening with a chilly northeast wind. We surveyed Emblems Coppice and recorded Pipistrelles 45 and 55, Serotine and Leislers bats. On the forest plains Noctule was added to the current list bringing the number of species in the forest up to 10. I have included some recordings made on a bat detector. There is a suggestion that there may be a second meeting on the 26th/27th July. If you are interested please contact me through the usual route.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Sawbridgeworth Marsh in May. Andy Sapsford. Marsh Warden.

Sawbridgeworth Marsh Diary – 4th May 2008

Spring appears to be finally here after the last cold spell. The last of the winter tasks, the cutting and clearing of the sedge plots, was completed at the start of April. A large part of the sedge beds was marked out into plots in the early 1990s. Some of these are cut on a biennial basis during the early spring. This serves two purposes. Firstly, the sedgebeds are by their very nature quite species poor and are heavily dominated by Greater and Lesser Pond sedges and large stands of Greater Willowherb. By cutting these areas, open ground is exposed, which allows smaller, less competitive herbs such as Marsh Bedstraw, Ragged Robin, Lesser Water Parsnip and Skullcap to compete. Secondly, the short, wet sward is attractive to waders such as Snipe and Lapwing and may even encourage them to attempt to breed.

The marsh is beginning to turn green and a number of spring flowers can be seen in profusion. The early Lesser Celandine is joined in April by swathes of Cowslips, or Peggles as they are known in Essex. Cuckoo Flowers and Marsh Marigolds are also on display at this time of year, both in large numbers this year.

The spring flowers are proving attractive to queen bumblebees and early butterflies. Peacock and Orange Tips were on the wing this morning. The incoming migrant birds are still slow to arrive. A single Cuckoo was calling from Great Valet Homes, there are 3 male Blackcaps along the roadside hedgerow and 6 – 8 male Sedge Warblers in the uncut sedge beds. A Male Whitethroat was calling from the Osier bed at the northern end of the reserve.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

BSNHS Summer Diary

Dates for your diary.
Sat May 17th Essex Bat Group Meeting.
Sun May 18th. Big Forest Bird Watch. Meet main car park 7:30 a.m.
Tues May 27th. Parndon Wood Nature Reserve. 6.45pm. Joint meeting with Hatfield Heath group.
Fri June 6th. Evening visit to the Gibberd Garden. Meet at 7.00pm, park at the garden. Walk to the Hermitage and then return to the garden for moth trapping. We have suggested a £2 donation per head to the Gibberd Garden.
Fri 4th July. 6.30pm Main gate. Pond dipping in the Decoy Lake to collect baseline data.
September 6th and 7th. Wood Fest.
If you would like to be included in ‘extra’ bat evenings and checking dormouse nest tubes then please let Bob Reed know.

For all of the above please make sure that you have signed up and left a contact number or address. Full details of any events can be obtained from Bob Reed 01279 600726 or

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Marsh Sounds in April.

Sawbridgeworth Marsh Nature Reserve in April.

Do you visit the Marsh? At present the reserve is just waking up from Winter. It is proposed to visit several sites on the reserve to show what you may see as the seasons progress. Firstly, the sites.

The sedge beds have to be cut regularly to stop succession to sallow and willow woodland and to give weaker and more interesting plants a chance.

Here is a Harvest Mouse nest found while cutting. The animals are not here now but have moved to drier and higher ground for the Winter.

The ditch sytem has to be de-silted or 'slubbed' out regularly to maintain the habitat.

There are a surprsingly early brood of Mallard ducklings!

This is the backwater which fringes the Reserve. It is relatively undisturbed and is the original channel of the River Stort.

These are pollard willows. Cut like this they are easy and safe to maintain as well as providing rich habitat.

This is a pondweed called Starwort, it is found in the semi-permanent water of the ditches in the wood.

Nearby, are some clumps of Marsh Marigolds.


This part of Valet Homes Wood has been cut to try and restore rich wet grassland. We shall see how it develops.

The Winter floods have left a 'tideline' of Banded Snails.

There is already a good show of Cuckoo Flowers.

And finally, this is the peat bank, now quite bare we shall see how it develops with the coming of Spring and Summer.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Hatfield Forest Oxlips.

Hatfield Forest is geographically on the edge of the Oxlip 'zone' . There are however some small colonies of this delicate Spring flower so where might you see them? Try looking in the north part of the forest in the region of the Eight Wantz Ways.

Look out for grassy areas in better lit parts of the coppice. This is what a really good example looks like from a neighbouring wood.

In the Forest they are smaller and likely to be found growing with Herb Paris and Wood Sorrel.

The leaves of Primroses are long and tapered whilst the Cowslip has distinctive flowers.

Here are two more woodland plants you can find with the Oxlips. Firstly, the Wood Sorrel and secondly, the Dog Violet.

You are certain to find the Barren Strawberry, if you are lucky you may find the rare and unusual Herb Paris

All these plants can be found at least until the end of April.
