Monday, 28 September 2009

Cattle grazing is back in the Stort Valley.

It is an acknowledged fact that cattle grazing is the best way to increase biodiversity in selected areas which were traditionally managed by grazing.

First there was a motley collection in Pishiobury Park several years ago.

Now there is a fine herd of Longhorn Cattle.

Then came eight British White cattle on the meadow to the east of the main Park.

Closely followed by two Water Buffaloes on the old water meadow.

The latest addition some Highland cattle which have been introduced to Sawbridgeworth Marsh. Let Andy Sapsford, the warden tell the story.

Turning the Clock Back to a New Era on the Marsh

The peatbank on Sawbridgeworth Marsh Nature Reserve has long been recognised as the most interesting part of the site botanically. It consists of M23 Blunt-flowered Rush / Marsh Thistle wet pasture on a bank of peat some 6 feet in depth. The wet, alkaline peaty soil supports a host of uncommon wetland plants, including a large stand of Southern Marsh Orchid, Early Marsh Orchid, Fen and Marsh Bedstraws, Ragged Robin and Hay Rattle. Traditionally, this part of the marsh was cattle - grazed during the summer months. Grazing ceased in about 1964 and the site was jointly purchased by the Essex Wildlife Trust and the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust in 1970.
Since becoming a nature reserve, the restoration of cattle grazing has not been possible, due both to the costs of fencing and the lack of available stock locally. The peatbank has managed through an annual cut in September, followed by burning or composting of the cut hay on site. Unfortunately, this has gradually led to the deterioration of those parts of the peatbank used for these activities, the species – rich sward being replaced by vigorous grasses, nettles and thistles as a result of the enrichment of the ground.
Various remedies have been tried in order to overcome this problem, including the use of a specially designed burner bin, mounted on legs with the resultant ash trapped in a tray beneath for safe disposal away from the peatbank. This unfortunately proved cumbersome to use.
Recently, the Essex Wildlife Trust was able to submit its landholding in the county into the Higher Level Scheme (HLS), a DEFRA scheme to promote wildlife – friendly farming. Sawbridgeworth Marsh was fortunate enough to receive a 5 year grant from this application, which will be used to fence areas of the reserve off in order to reintroduce cattle grazing once again.
Work began in earnest during August. An area of some 4 acres to the north of the entrance gate was fenced. This included the northern end of the peatbank, a section of the reedbed, which has steadily been invading the peatbank for a period of some years and the raised ground to the east of these two areas, formerly fenced off for occasional horse grazing. The work took all month and involved the removal of the old fencing, erection of sturdy new fencing (the posts being pushed into the soft ground to the depth of 4 feet by a hired digger) and the installation of a new field gate, immediately to the right of the entrance gate. Finally, the drier ground was cut and cleared by forage harvester and the wetter peatbank by BCS mower.

On Friday 25th September at noon, the lorry turned up to deliver Bess, Iona, Frederica, Isaac and Danielda, five Highland cattle, to their new home for the next two months.
The three cows and two calves have settled in straightaway and are feeding well, mostly in Round Moors, one of the fields formerly used for horse grazing. Checks are made daily, not only on the stock, but also on how they are foraging and how much poaching is occurring. At the moment, the ground is relatively dry, so poaching is not an issue. It is planned to remove them in late November and they will then return sometime next spring to continue the job!

Next year, a further two acres will be enclosed, encompassing the southern part of the peatbank and the disused grazing enclosure on the higher ground to the south of the entrance gate – an area of two acres in total. In 2011 – 12, a further 4 acres will be enclosed in the wet meadow areas within Little and Great Valet Homes.
The Trust has also purchased a mini baler, which is driven off the PTO of the BCS mower. This will enable any tidy-up cutting at the end of next summer to be achieved without the need to compost or burn the arisings, as the bales can be removed from site.
By turning the clock back and reintroducing cattle grazing to Sawbridgeworth Marsh, we are entering a new era, one in which it is hoped that, as well as saving work by not having to undertake the annual cut to the peatbank, the condition of the sward will benefit through having the cattle here.

Andrew Sapsford, Marsh Warden.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Spring visit to Wall Wood April 2009.

On a warm April afternoon the BSNHS visited Wall Wood.

We were pleased to find a good population of Oxlips and Primroses.

The woodland buttercup called Goldilocks is quite common in the wood.

Violets are the larval food plant of the Silver Washed Fritillary butterfly.

The ancient ponds were well topped up but will dry out later in the summer.

There were sheets of Wood Anemones including an interesting pink variety.

Afternoon tea is always an important element in field trips!

Several spring butterflies were recorded including the Comma.

Monday, 14 September 2009

BSNHS Winter Programme 2009-2010

Meetings will be held at the Meeting Room in
Office block at Hatfield Forest, which is
situated on the Hatfield Forest road approx
200 yds on the right after turning off the old
A120 in Takeley Street. There is ample parking
and good facilities. Meet 7.45pm for 8.00.

There is a break for coffee and biscuits and
meetings finish around 10.00 p.m

Visitors are welcome at any meeting
but a donation of £2 per person is requested.

Birchanger Wood
An illustrated talk by Mr Pat Forrest
Warden of Birchanger Wood.

Flowers of South Essex
An illustrated talk Mary SmithB
Who is an active member of the Essex Field Club

Hedgehogs and the work of the Herts Hogline
An illustrated talk by Lynne Garner – founder member.

What can tree core samples tell us about Hatfield Forest?
A talk by Judith Hughes.

An illustrated talk by Robert Egger who is on the Committee
Of the SW Division of Essex Beekeepers.

Social Evening and Members’ contributions.


Geology on your Doorstep.
A Gerald Lucy – Publisher and Author.

Birds I Have Seen.
An illustrated talk by David Sampson
BSNHS member and Committee member.

An illustrated talk by Peter Harvey,
President of the Essex Field Club

Water for Wildlife.
An illustrated talk by Darren Tansley
of the Essex Wildlife Trust

The Galapagos Islands
An illustrated talk by Sylvia and Roger Jiggins

Annual General Meeting and members contributions.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

BSNHS Summer Programme 2009


Saturday 18th of April. Wall Wood. 2.30pm. Meet Woodside Green. TL523185
This is the first of two visits to be made to this ‘purlieu’ section of Hatfield Forest. The aim will be to survey Spring flowers including Oxlips.

Friday 8th May. Parndon Mill and River Stort. Meet 6:30 p.m. TL437112
The aim of this evening meeting will be to walk along this picturesque section of the river and follow up possible sightings of Water Voles.

Friday 22nd May.Hatfield Forest. Meet 7.30pm. Main entrance. As usual we shall have bat detectors and moth traps running but the main aim of the evening will be to record the number of Owls on the Forest.

Fri 5th June. Gibberd Garden and Hermitage. Meet 7.00pm. TL483127
Following on from the successful visit last year we shall have another look at the Hermitage hopefully, in better weather with more wildflowers to see. As before we shall have the moth trap running as well as bat detectors.

. Fri 19th June. Hatfield Forest. Meet 7.30pm. Bat and moth evening. We shall leave the moth traps running whilst we survey the population of Daubentons Bat feeding over the lake.

Friday 24th July. Hatfield Forest. 7.30pm. Main entrance. As before we will leave the moth traps running and will also have bat detectors. The main aim however will be to look for glow worms in the wide rides in the western coppices.

Sat 1st Aug. Wall Wood. 2.30pm. TL523185
This will be the second visit to look for different flowers found in this wood at the height of the summer.

Saturday and Sunday 12th and 13th September. Hatfield Forest Wood Fest. We shall be putting on a joint display in our new tent as ‘Forest Nature’. Please volunteer to come and help as this is a valuable opportunity to publicise our group and its activities.

Friday 25th September 6.30pm and Saturday 26th of September 9.30am, Hatfield Forest both at the main entrance. The aim will be to put down small mammal traps on the Friday evening and go back and collect the catch on the Saturday morning.

We shall use our new Infra-red night vision scope to look for wildlife on every evening visit to Hatfield Forest.