Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Friends of Pishiobury Park Working Party-Tuesday 30th November.

As we are in the middle of an extremely cold period it was not unexpected to wake up and find several centimetres of snow had fallen during the night.

There was a good turn out of Friends and it was decided to postpone treeplanting as the ground was so frozen. Instead we decided to work in the Field Maple Belt on the north-west side of the park.

It has been decided to leave a screen of trees on the Park side and to coppice the remainder which will be largely Field Maple. At some stage in the past a large number of the trees have been coppiced and have regrown. However, too many large trees still remain and are preventing successful growth of the underwood.

This strip of woodland has been planted up with a variety of hardwood trees in the past as well as a young hawthorn hedge. Trees include Hazel and Cherry.

Our task today was to hand coppice can be smaller trees and clear the area in preparation for using a chainsaw to coppice most of the other trees leaving a few selected standards probably of Oak and Ash.
It will be interesting to create coppice on this area as it is adjacent to the very old Hornbeam coppice stools in the woodland bordering on the main road.

These Hornbeams are probably the oldest trees on the park and probably pre-date the park itself as coppice woodland would not have been created as part of the original parkland landscape. It was probably woodland that was emparked in the 17th or early 18th century.

There were snow showers on and off all day long.

Although cold working it was sheltered from the biting northerly wind in the wood.

The brash was stacked tidily to leave a clear working area for next time.

Bird and animal list seen on the day:-
Wood Pigeon. Magpie. Sparrowhawk. Flocks of Long-Tailed Tits, Great Tits and Fieldfares. Blackbird, Robin. Grey Squirrel. Muntjac. Fox tracks.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Friends of Pishiobury Park.

Today was the first meeting of the Friends of Pishiobury Park with the Countryside Management Service to carry out some conservation work on the Park. The morning was foggy with the temperature below freezing at nine o'clock in the morning.

One task was to dig a shallow trench in which to plant sapling Hawthorn later on. These saplings will form protective ‘roundels’ around the small copses of trees which have been planted.

The other task was to maintain some of the tree guards, remove saplings which had died due to the dry Spring and dig holes for new plantings of Oak saplings. This took place along Oak Walk.

Interestingly, we found a small colony of Bee Orchids which apparently flowered last year on this site amongst the trees. The leaves do not die back in winter and it looks as if they will flower again next year.