Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Summer Programme 2011.

Dear member you will see that some dates have been deliberately left open as they are weather dependent. Please give your name and contact details to the Chairman if you interested in attending. Final dates will be forwarded to you when a decision has been made.

Saturday 9th of April. Visit to the home of Maurice Elliott in Beccles. Leader: Hugh Coe. Full details later.

Friday 29th of April. Turner's Spring Nature Reserve. TL 529239. 7.00pm. John Roberts the Reserve warden will give us a guided tour, hopefully, to see Spring flowers. Parking is extremely limited, please double up on transport and do not block the narrow lane leading to the reserve.

Friday 20th May. Proposed moth light trapping evening. Leader: Bob Reed. Venue and date to be confirmed. Please leave contact details.

Sunday 22nd May. Big Forest Bird Watch. Meet at the main forest entrance 7:30 a.m. Details from Bob Reed.

Saturday 4th June. Amwell RSPB Reserve TL 395106 for birds and dragonflies. Meet at the reserve 10.00am. Bring packed lunch. Leader: Bob Reed.

Friday 17th June. Sawbridgeworth Marsh Nature reserve. 6.00 p.m. Leader:Bob Reed. Survey the wildlife in the new ponds. Special parking arrangements may be available. Be careful on this busy road.
Saturday 9th July. Balls Wood for butterflies. Leader: Jim Fish. This date awaits confirmation according to weather conditions. Please leave contact details if interested.

Saturday 16th July. 2.00pm. Hatfield Forest for dragonflies. Leader: Carol Wylde. Once again this meeting is weather dependent and may need to be altered. Please leave contact details if interested.

Friday August 5th. 6.30pm. Aubrey Buxton Nature reserve.TL 517264. Contact:Bob Reed.

Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th September. Hatfield Forest Wood Fest. We shall be putting on a joint display with the coppicing volunteers to demonstrate the work of the society and Forest Nature. Please volunteer to help with the displays, talk to the public and publicise the Society.

Friday 16th September. Small mammal trapping at Rushey Mead Nature reserve. TL498196. 6.00pm. Saturday the 17th of September return to collect the catch at 10.00am.

If interested in any event please leave contact details with Chairman. 01279 600726.
If you are intending to come to any meeting please contact the leader in advance for information and numbers.