The wood has been deer fenced to try and prevent browsing damage. The notice tells people what Natural England and the Forestry Commission are trying to do in terms of regeneration of the ancient woodland. As you see not everyone agrees!
'Badger's Patch' is the area of countryside on a radius of the author's home town. It includes the Stort Valley and its tributaries as well as several nature reserves and sites of natural history interest. The area is also covered by the Bishops Stortford Natural History Society- hence bsnhsdiary!
Friday, 26 January 2018
During the winter of 2016-2017 a section at the western end of Wall Wood next to Woodside Green was commercially coppiced. Wall Wood is a ‘purlieu wood’ meaning that it is not part of the Forest but is subject to most or all of Forest Law. A visit was paid in January 2018 to assess the level of regeneration. The results are shown in the photographs below. There is a before and after.
The wood has been deer fenced to try and prevent browsing damage. The notice tells people what Natural England and the Forestry Commission are trying to do in terms of regeneration of the ancient woodland. As you see not everyone agrees!
The great majority of trees coppiced were very old hornbeams. It is questionable whether they will regenerate.
Badger tunnels have been installed and are in good use-hopefully not by Muntjac as well.
Where some regeneration has taken place it has been browsed back as it is obvious that deer are not being totally excluded.
I believe the trees were cut with a ‘timber harvester’. The brash has either been piled into heaps or is just lying about. A year later there is little sign of seed germination or growth of vegetation on the Forest floor.
Monk Wood adjacent was coppiced in the same way a few years ago and seems to have recovered well. Let's hope Wall Wood does the same!
The wood has been deer fenced to try and prevent browsing damage. The notice tells people what Natural England and the Forestry Commission are trying to do in terms of regeneration of the ancient woodland. As you see not everyone agrees!