Saturday 17th of April. Garnetts Wood. 2.30pm. Meet at car park. TL635184
This is an Essex Country Park. It is a classic small-leaved Lime wood with a fine display of Spring flowers.
Friday 23rd April. AGM. Forest Meeting Room.
Friday 14th May. Birchanger Wood. 7.00pm. TL498227. Meet and park in Oaklands Park. See the management of the wood as described in the winter talk.
Sun 16th May. Big Forest Bird Watch. Meet main car park in Hatfield Forest. 7.30am
Fri 4th June. Spellbrook Lock for river dipping to investigate freshwater life.TL490185. 7.00pm. Meet in Dell Lane and park along the road to the east of the lock.
. Tues 15th June. Pishiobury Park with the Hatfield Regis History Group. 7.00pm. Main car park. TL475139.
For details on any meeting please contact Chairman. If intending to come on any field meeting it would be appreciated if you could let the Chairman know in advance. Tel:01279 600726.
Sat 3rd July. Sawbridgeworth Marsh to survey the freshwater life colonising the newly created pond in the wood. 2.00pm. TL493154
Big Forest Butterfly Watch especially for the Silver Washed Fritillary some time in July. Not possible to fix a date due to weather. If interested leave contact details with Chairman.
Saturday and Sunday 11th and 12th September. Hatfield Forest Wood Fest. We shall be putting on a joint display in our new tent as ‘Forest Nature’. Please volunteer to come and help as this is a valuable opportunity to publicise our group and its activities.
Friday 17th September 6.30pm and Saturday 18th of September 9.30am, Hatfield Forest both at the main entrance. The aim will be to put down small mammal traps on the Friday evening and go back and collect the catch on the Saturday morning.
We shall be putting out Dormouse nest tubes in April and doing some general mammal surveying through the summer to provide records for John Dobson’s new book, the Mammals of Essex. If interested please leave contact details with Chairman.
01279 600726.