Thursday, 15 April 2010

'StortWatch' a new environmental group for the Stort Valley.

We are planning to start a new group within the natural history Society to be called ‘StortWatch’. It is intended that this group will carry out some survey work, do some practical tasks, organise meetings and walks all with the aim of educating and informing people about wildlife in our local river. You do not have to be an expert to attend our meetings indeed the whole aim of the exercise is for us and you to find out about what lives in and around the Stort. Please come to our AGM on the 23rd of April, 7:30 p.m. for 8 p.m. at the Hatfield Forest meeting room. There will be a presentation on ‘StortWatch’ and an opportunity for you to find out what it is all about. For details follow the e-mail or telephone contact as given in our summer programme Hope to see you there!